
Club Membership
Why you should join us
Sailing almost every Sunday—weather permitting!
Meet other model makers
Learn to build and sail from other experienced model makers
Teach model making skills to others
Regular club meetings on Wednesday evenings in the clubhouse
Regattas, Fun Days and Exhibitions during the sailing season
Visits to other clubs and model-making shows
Take part in fund raising events for other organisations (including RNLI)
Regular News Letters
Family Membership Scheme (details on app form)
Club Public Indemnity Insurance
Club lapel badges £2.50*
Club car/box stickers £2.00*
Club shirts with stitched logo circa £10.00*
* members only
To use our Membership Form, click on the link below. The form will open in a new web page so you can print it out, complete it, and send it with payment to the address given on the form itself. Alternatively bring it to the clubhouse on a Wednesday (see directions below) and have a cuppa and a biscuit at the same time!
Press here to Download a Membership Application Form