
About Us
Edinburgh Model Boat Club can trace its existence back more than 80 years albeit it in various guises along that timeline.
We are affiliated members of the Scottish Federation of Model Boat Clubs and currently have approximately 45 members.
Regular exhibitions & competitions are held and these not only attract competitors from all over the country but are also enjoyed by large numbers of spectators.
Our boats are built from scratch, constructed from kits, or bought 'ready made' from fellow modellers or commercial companies, and from the list below you see we cover a wide range of subject areas. So no matter your skill levels or area of interest, all are welcome.
Warships - including Destroyers, Corvettes, Battleships, MTB's, Aircraft Carriers and Submarines
Commercial ships - including Tugs, Fishing Vessels, Square Riggers, Clyde Steamers, Paddle Boats, Fire Launches, Police Boats, Air-Sea Rescue Boats, Lifeboats, Pleasure Cruisers
Fast Electrics
Most Sundays, between about 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, you will find a mix of members sailing their creations at the boating pond in Inverleith Park. See the foot of this page for directions.
Every Wednesday, between 7.15 pm and 9.30 pm, members meet in the clubhouse in Inverleith Park for tea, coffee and biscuits. Much discussion takes place about how to build various models and how to improve one's building techniques. A great place to learn from the experience of others and pass on any tips you may have. A library of old Model Boating magazines is kept for reference. See the foot of this page for directions.
A regular newsletter, Swan Dodgers, is distributed to members to keep them abreast of all that is going on.
Regular visits are made to model shows at home and abroad, and members frequently compete at events organised by other Scottish Clubs.
We also attend fund-raising events and galas across the UK.